Lesson 1: How to write up

An introduction:

- find an introduction sentence, which is announcing your subject. Something clear, simple and short, and compelling. 
- make a simple explanation of your subject
- announce the parts of your reasoning

Your content/body of the text:

- Before you start writing, make sure that you understand the essay prompt
- Create an outline: outline the main points/arguments that you will discuss in your text.
- Begin each paragraph in the body of your essay with a clear topic sentence. 
- Once you have presented your evidence, explain and analyze it.
- Use linkers and connectors (you will find a list of useful linkers and connectors below).
- Make sure each paragraph has a clear structure

Your conclusion (some tips on how to improve it):

- Summarize your big idead in few sentences
- Find another idea of your reasoning which could open to a new debate


Don't forget that it's normal and essential to perfect your work, don't be afraid to do a lot of rough drafts, in the contrary it's a good thing. Even for professionals, you will never have the perfect version by the first, do it again and again.

 Lesson 2: Creative writing on your own

It's quite similar with the first lesson. Your base will be the same. Organize your idea and let youself talk.

prewriting, brainstorming, draft--> write all the information that come to your mind, just write them first. When you have enough information, content (you judge), now you can begin to organize all of them, by category, same idea. You'll always have to begin with an introduction (explain in the first lesson). You are of course allow to ad information will you are writing, try to always organize them by category but do not add them in your final essay. It will takes time for you to have your "finished essay" and it's completely normal!

 development of the plot --> now that you have your plot, in a draft write it and feel free to write all that comes to your mind. As said before, always organize your ideas by parts and subsections (concerning the same idea). 

For example:  Subject : The Human Being Growing

Part 1 - Age 0 to 12: Kwoning life

    A- the human being strats its life being a baby, knowing how to eat, walk and talk

    B- then the human being starts a "social life" going to school, practising its first sports, making its first friends

    C- now the human being adquires knowledge, he finds its hobbies, the really beginning of its independance (going to school by himself...)

Part 2- Age 13-18: Big step, Teenage years


Follow the example, always use part and sbjectives parts in your development. Try to always make a smooth transition between them, just a sentence is sufficient. Try to not repeat youself, what is already said is a idea you are not using anymore. Don't forget that you follow your central theme.

 write up --> You only start writing up when you are sure that your draft is ready. Follow the line of your draft, and just develop your ideas the best as you can. Most importantly: use logical connectives!

    Lesson 3: Improve your vocabulary

You have a LOT of ways to improve your vocabulary. The only thing you have to keep in mind is that you have to be opened to the english language. 

                        - Be interested in the English TikTok instead of the Spanish one

                        - listen your favorite TV Shows in english (if they are english-speaking initially). 

That will be the best way for you to be sensitive to the English speaking world, you'll know new words, new expressions that native english speakers use in a daily basis. 

Social media is the best way for you to improve your vocabulary, being part of the X generation. And when you hear a new English word which you don't know its definition, have the initiative to directly translate it to know what it means or look it up in an online dictionary. 

You can also make a list of your new words, once you have written them, you'll be able to process and learn them in order to never forget about its existence so that next time you see it or read it somewhere, you will be able to remember its meaning.  


Some useful connectors that you can use when writing:


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