Lesson 1: Organization of a text

〰 how to write up an introduction/body/conclusion

〰 how to organize your ideas

〰 useful connectors 


    Lesson 2: Creative writing on your own

〰 prewriting, brainstorming, draft

 development of the plot

 write up


    Lesson 3: Improve your vocabulary

〰 techniques of improvement

〰 developing new habits with different medias



    The only way to improve your oral english is by speaking out loud. Here are some exercises where you can practice, but especially SPEAK ! Additionally, you will find some useful vocabulary/expressions to use when you are practising or having an actual conversation with a native speaker, in the "Oral expression" section on the top.

Exercise 1: Use the previous clip from Friends once you have filled in the missing words, but this time you will have to repeat the sentences out loud.

Exercise 2: With your partner, choose a question from the following list. Then, you will have to briefly discuss and talk about it. Don't forget to record yourself!

          - Questions:

               Is it important to look after the environment?

               If you could appear in any fictional world, where would you go?

               What books would you recommend to other people of your age?

               What is the most memorable memory you have ever taken?

               Is there anything you would like to study in the future?

               Have you ever been to a music festival? If so, what was it like?


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